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36 States, And No Female Governors

Nigerian females have not yet succeeded in separating their home affairs from their personal goals, this is a major factor in the obvious lack of ambition being displayed by women in politics

The representation of females in politics is still below expectation. While women in developed countries like Europe, England, Brazil and even Arab countries have aspired and even occupied high political positions of power, very few Nigerian females have taken advantage of our multi party system to aspire for such

Should you be made a leader because of your gender alone? I'm of the opinion that this isn't right. However, what's stopping females from aspiring to occupy such positions in Nigeria?

The following are some major factors responsible this :

1) Cultural practices
2)Poor access to education
3)Early marriage and child bearing
5)Societal perception
6)Gender violence

These amongst other factors are responsible for the lack of drive and aspiration in women involved in politics

What can you do as a man to encourage women in politics?

1) Support them
2) Encourage them
3) Inform them
4) Include them
5) Accept them
6) Allow them

What can you do to aspire for higher positions as a woman in politics?

1) Believe in yourself
2) Education is key
3) Inform your spouse (if married) about your activities and aspirations
4) Don't believe in limitations
5) Learn from the men
6) Resist discrimination
7) Realize that marriage and child bearing are aspects of your life, you can still achieve your goals in other areas by proper management of all aspects