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Egwu and His Empowerment Efforts in Idah Federal Constituency

In March,  2015, APC and Buhari’s “change fever”  had already been caught by an overwhelming majority of Nigerians. Many politicians, some without reasonable messages to convince voters simply attached Buhari’s images to their campaign posters and billboards. That alone worked miracles as many candidates without much chances at the early stages became leading contenders as the election drew nearer.  As Buhari’s popularity soared, so did those who identified themselves with him and his “change” mantra. It was in this period of political uncertainty; a period that witnessed unprecedented exodus from PDP that Hon.  Emmanuel Makoji Egwu chose to challenge the incumbent for the only slot for Idah Federal Constituency, comprising: Idah, Igalamela, Ibaji and Ofu local government areas.

His message was clear from the onset.  He pledged to do things differently and serve meritoriously. He promised water, jobs as well as youths and women empowerment; not forgetting his primary role of delivering effective representation in the lower chamber of the nations law making body.

If his message was not heard, it was not reflect in the manner in which the people voted. Though Buhari and the APC won overwhelmingly in Idah Federal Constituency,  Hon.  Emmanuel Egwu defeated all other contestants in one of the tightest races in recent memory for the PDP on the same day. Summarily, they chose Buhari but rejected his party’s candidate for House of Rep. The people heard his message. They believed in him and gave him their votes. They successfully played their part and the ball was then passed to his own side of the pitch.

So, how has Hon. Emmanuel Makoji Egwu fared since he assumed office a little more than a year ago?

To start with, so far,  he has kept to his pledge to run an open door system. To make himself as easy to reach as possible and to listen to his people even when their opinions go contrary to his. This has gave room for youths with relevant academic and physical qualifications to approach him with the problem of inadequate engagement of natives of his constituency in the Nigerian armed forces. How he did it is probably a trade secret but the outcome has been phenomenal . Since then, Hon. Emmanuel Egwu has successfully influenced the recruitment of a high number of persons into different arms of the armed forces and other security or intelligence agencies. That is in addition to hundreds already working in different public and private organisations through his efforts .

In his resolve to ensure that youths of his constituency are productively engaged, within his first 100 days in office, Egwu facilitated the training of hundreds of youths in different entrepreneurial and technical skills including hair dressing, fashion and design as well as haircut. Successful trainees were given all necessary equipments such as hair driers, sewing machines, generators, hair clippers and cash donations to ensure they all got hitch free startups.

In Idah Federal Constituency and indeed most parts of Kogi East,  motorcycle is a major means of intra-city transportation. It is owned many many for private and commercial use. Conscious of the staggering prices of this essential utility today and the difficulty attached to purchasing one,  especially when the economy of the nation is put into perspective, Hon. Egwu recently donated hundreds of brand new motorcycles to as many individuals. A move that has been hailed by beneficiaries and stakeholders.

A recent conferment of an award of excellence by the Institute of Public Entrepreneurship (ICENT) is a testament to his exceptional leadership qualities and the belief that the days of mediocre representation may be over.

Hon. Emmanuel Makoji Egwu has performed remarkably thus far but there are other areas still begging for attention. Many more youths are still unemployed and in desperate need of empowerment. His efforts in that area should not slow down. He should join forces with other federal lawmakers from the state to ensure the speedy progress on Ajaokuta Still Company. They also have a lot more to do in ensuring that much more federal presence is felt in Idah Federal Constituency. Especially in the area of road construction, electricity distribution and water supply.

– Vincent Adaji

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